New paper «The management of international boycotts in historical perspective: Volkswagen and the Arab League boycott, 1960–1977» by Jonas Geweke
Artikel «Struktur und Handeln: Zum Verhältnis von soziologischer Theorie und Sozialstrukturanalyse» von Jörg Rössel
Publication: Patterns of remittances of intra-European migrants: social relations and moral obligations
Buchrezension von Prof. Jörg Rössel: «Machtverhältnisse und Interaktionen im Museum.»Burzan / Eickelmann 2023.
Studie: "Socially responsible crowdfunding across the globe: A comparative analysis of Swiss, Japanese, and Chinese university students"
Individual Psychological and Social Background, Socioeconomic Success in Adulthood, and the Mediating and Moderating Role of Education
New Publication: Swiss Job Market Monitor: A Rich Source of Demand-Side Micro Data of the Labour Market