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Soziologisches Institut

Talk by Eric Widmer: “Family configurations and personal networks: a relational perspective on the life course”

On Tuesday May 30, 2023 (12:15-13:45), Eric Widmer (UNIGE) will be giving the above talk in our colloquium.

This public event will be held on site!

Current Sociological Research SUZ - Kolloquium 8

Current Sociologial Research: SUZ Institutskolloquium 8 (FS 2023)

May 30, 2023, 12:15-13:45
Room AND-4-06 (4th floor)
Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zürich

Zoom Meeting-ID: 643 9950 7329 
Passcode: 859613 


Family Configurations develops current scholarship on families and intimate lives by demonstrating that family relationships, far from being fluid and inconsequential, are more structured and committed than ever. Based on a series of empirical studies carried out in the US and Europe, this volume reveals the diversity of family relationships that emerge as a result of various key family issues, emphasizing the supportive and disruptive interdependencies existing among large sets of family members beyond the nuclear family. By applying social network methods to uncover the relational patterns of contemporary families, and making use of rich empirical data, this book draws on recent developments in family sociology, social network analysis and kinship studies to present a fascinating interdisciplinary approach to the family.


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