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«Down and out? the role of household income in students’ friendship formation in school-classes» - new study by Isabel Raabe et al.

A new study has found that children growing up in low-income families have fewer opportunities to make friends and to socially integrate at school. Researchers from the University of Zurich and the University of Stockholm examined data from over 200 school classes in Sweden and reached this conclusion.

«Down and out? the role of household income in students’ friendship formation in school-classes»

Published in Social Networks, Vol. 78 on January 6th, 2024 byDr. Isabel Raabe (Department of Sociology UZH), Chaïm la Roi and Stephanie Plenty (Stockholm University).

The study led by the University of Zurich set out to examine whether parental income influences social relationships in the classroom. The researchers analyzed data – obtained from surveys and administrative databases – relating to 4,787 Swedish children aged 14 and 15 in 235 school classes. They also analyzed the young people’s friendship networks. The findings reveal that adolescents from low-income families are less socially integrated than their peers from higher-income families, irrespective of the school’s socioeconomic context.

Link to open access study:


Radio show about the study:

Deutschlandfunk Nova has aired a broadcast discussing the study on Jan 26th, 2024:

Listen in (German):

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About Dr. Isabel Raabe

Mehr zu About Dr. Isabel Raabe

Isabel Raabe is a sociologist and educational researcher at the Department of Sociology and an Ambizione fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
