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Soziologisches Institut Lea Stahel

Publications, Grants, Science Communication

Journal Publications (peer reviewed)

Book chapters

  • Stahel, L. & V. Hampel. “You haven’t really made it ’til  you’ve been hated on” - Digital hostility against women and social minorities in politics and journalism. Forthcoming in Leadership minoritaire. Les Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles (Eds. Claudia Toma & Olivier Klein).
  • Stahel, L. What drives aggressive online behavior among adults? A literature review and explanatory model integrating individual, situational, and social status determinants. Forthcoming in Routledge International Handbook of Online Deviance.
  • Cohrs, C., Uluğ, M., Stahel, L., &  Kışlıoğlua, R. (2015). Ethos of Conflict and Beyond: Differentiating Social Representations of Conflict. In: E. Halperin & K. Sharvit, The Social Psychology of Intractable Conflicts, Peace Psychology Book Series, Vol. 27:33-45. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.

Conference Proceedings


  • Stahel Lea, Weingartner Sebastian, Lobinger Katharina, & Dirk Baier (2022). Digitale Hassrede in der Schweiz: Ausmass und sozialstrukturelle Einflussfaktoren [Digital hate speech in Switzerland: Extent and social structural factors]. Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM). May.
  • Stahel Lea. Sexistische und LGBTIQ*-feindliche Online-Hassrede im Kontext von Kindern und Jugendlichen. SuchtMagazin, 5(47), 4-8.
  • Stahel, Lea & Jakoby Nina (2021). Sexistische und LGBTIQ*-feindliche Online-Hassrede im Kontext von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Gegenmassnahmen. [Sexist and anti-LGBTIQ* online hate speech in the context of children and youth: Scientific foundations and countermeasures.] Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA, Federal Social Insurance Office FSIO/Platform Jugend und Medien (p. 1-78). Mar 26.
  • Stahel, Lea (2020). Status quo und Massnahmen zu rassistischer Hassrede im Internet: Übersicht und Empfehlungen. [Status quo and countermeasures on racist hate speech on the Internet: Overview and Recommendations.] Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA, Office for Combating Racism (p. 1-71). Aug 26.

Academic qualification works


  • 2021-2022. Forschungsprojekt. Digitale Mobs, Bestechung, Klagedrohung: Wie lässt sich die externe Einflussnahme auf Journalist*innen in der Schweiz erklären? Fonds zur Förderung des Akademischen Nachwuchses (FAN), Universität Zürich: CHF 50’000.
  • 2021-2022. Forschungsprojekt (mit Dr. Sebastian Weingartner, Prof. Dr. Dirk Baier), Wer «hasst» wie oft in der digitalen Schweiz? Ausmass von digitaler Hassrede und seine sozialstrukturellen Grundlagen (Bundesamt für Kommunikation, BAKOM): CHF 50'000.
  • 2018-2021. Research Project (with Sebastian Weingartner). Online aggression: An integrative view on determinants and possible countermeasures. Swiss National foundation, Digital Lives: CHF 87'170.

Public communication


Articles published in

Invited to present/speak

  • Presentation: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen von Anfeindungen gegen Politiker:innen [Scientific foundations of hostility towards politicians]. Round table - Hate against politicians. Federal Department of Justice and Police (Berne, 11 2023).
  • Atelier Vorsicht – Shitstorm! [Caution – Online hate storm!], in collaboration with the Swiss-German PEN Centre. Ilanz Summer. Ilanz (Aug 12 2023).
  • Presentation: Digitale Hassrede: Relevanz, Gegenmassnahmen und Herausforderungen. [Digital hate speech: Relevance, countermeasures and challenges.] Symposium on Prevention of radicalization and violent extremism among young people, in schools and on the internet. Security Network Switzerland. Berne (Nov 23 2022).
  • Presentation: Balancen: Weniger Emotion? [Balances: Less emotions?] Tenth grand convention of the Schader Foundation 2022. Darmstadt/online (Nov 4 2022).
  • Giving 3h-workshop on "Scientific foundations of online hate speech" for the Beratungsnetz für Rassismusopfer. (June 22 and Sept 28 2021, Berne).
  • Presentation: Sexismus und LGBTIQ*-Feindlichkeit bei Kindern und Jugendlichen im Internet. Event Netzwerk Medienkompetenz Schweiz of the Federal Department of Home Affairs, FDHA (Federal Social Insurance Office FSIO/Platform Jugend und Medien). (Nov 24 2021, Berne).
  • Presentation: Hassrede im Internet: Was ist das und wie wird dagegen vorgegangen? [Hate speech on the Internet: What is it and how is it countered?] Kick-off Hassrede im Netz by the Federal Department of Home Affairs, FDHA (Office for Combating Racism). (Aug 25 2021, Berne).
  • Panel discussion on online privacy and information disclosure, in film cycle "Nothing to hide"; invited by the data protection officer of Zurich (Jan 14 2020, Zurich).
  • Round Table "Hate Speech" by the Frauenzentrale Zürich (Bulletin (PDF, 217 KB) Dec 2019)
  • Workshop "Rassismus im Netz" by the Fachstelle für Rassismusbekämpfung (FRB) des Eidgenössischen Departements to present on Online hate speech (Dec 11 2018, Bern).

  • Center of Advanced Internet Studies to advise on and discuss an online tool that helps victims of hate speech (Sept 25 2018, Bochum, Germany).
  • Weltethos Schweiz (Dialogtische «À table!») to discuss about Hate speech: The boundaries of free expression (March 2018, Zurich).
  • HSG St.Gallen to present and discuss on Unleashed scandals, collective outrage, and online aggression: How a digital society enforces social norms (Nov 2017 and Nov 2018, St.Gallen).
  • Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut to discuss in a workshop on Die Zukuft zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation: Gemeinschaft und Gemeinnutzen in einem postindustriellen Zeitalter (Oct 2017, Zurich).
  • SRF ARENA as expert on politically motivated hate on the Internet
  • 186th meeting of the Schweizerische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft SGG to present on Solidarity in the digital age: Do social media strengthen or threaten social cohesion? (June 2017, Obwalden).
  • freie uni zürich to speak at a panel discussion on Hate on the Internet (PDF, 62 KB) (Dec 2016, Zurich).
  • Annual general meeting of the employers association See & Gaster to present on Social media - Opportunities and risks for employers (March 2015, Schmerikon).

Media appearances